Measure either batspeed or EV or ideally both before program and then again at the end of each week or if you can’t just at the end again. Day 1 can be any day of the week so you don’t have to start on Monday. Read program and watch videos so you can see the drills. Also do you own lifting program and sprinting and throwing as often as you want.
The drills
- OL UL swings
You need a game bat, a bat about 6-7 oz lighter than that and one 6-7 heavier. For the lighter one a youth bat works, for the heavier one you can tape some pennies or other stuff to a wood bat, preferably around the balance point of the bat to not change balance. Swing max effort, tee, live pitch or machine work
- Step back turn drill
Use this drill as dry swing at max effort after warm up to work on separation
- Hook em drill
Driveline drill that I think originally was a pitching drill. Promotes weight shift
- Med ball progression
Part 1
Part 2
1. Step back shot put 2. Elbows out rotational 3. Reverse overhead 4. Overhead 5. Decel 6. Vertical upward thrust 7. Reverse throw
Mechanics stuff for warm up
1 . one arm drills
-top hand ball clamp
-bottom hand (make sure front elbow works up before bat starts to go back and down
- stop swings
- front arm clamp drill (use connection ball or volleyball, see about 4:50 in this video
4 Cano drill
- 45 degree open stance oppo hitting drill
Teaches swing direction for outside pitch. Stand about 45 degrees open (feet line turned to 3b man for RHB) and still hit ball oppo
- 4 corners drill
Place tee on all 4 corners and hit 3 good balls on each location. Non ideal contact swing is repeated
Hitting Warm up
- One hand swings 5 reps each arm
- Stop swings 5 reps each
- Front arm clamp drill 6 reps
- Hook em drill 6 reps
- Cano drill 6 reps
- Open stance oppo 6 reps
- 4 corners drill
Week 1
Day 1: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 6 reps
Day 2: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 3: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 6 reps
Day 4: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 5: off
Day 6: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 7: off
Week 2
Day 1: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 8 reps
Day 2: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*8 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 3: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 8 reps
Day 4: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*8 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 5: off
Day 6: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*8 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 7: off
Week 3
Day 1: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 10 reps
Day 2: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*10 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 3: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 10 reps
Day 4: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*10 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 5: off
Day 6: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*10 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 7: off
Week 4
Day 1: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 12 reps
Day 2: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*12 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 3: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 12 reps
Day 4: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*12 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 5: off
Day 6: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*5 reps c) ol ul 2*12 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 7: off
Week 5
Day 1: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 6 reps
Day 2: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 3: Med ball drills each drill 2 sets of 6 reps
Day 4: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 5: off
Day 6: hitting a) warm up b) step back turn drill 2*4 reps c) ol ul 2*6 reps of each game, ol and ul bat
Day 7: off